My Projects

Network-based analysis of pathway deregulation:

The pathways involved in necessary biological functions often exhibit alterations in pathological conditions. We have approached these alterations from a network perspective to study:

Network Pharmacology of Adverse Drug Reactions:

Drugs may act on more than one site inside the organism. Sometimes this leads to adverse drug reactions, which may range from inconvenient to life-threatening. We have used network models to identify:

Metagenomics, Systems Pharmacology and Resistance:

As part of our Cátedra CONACYT project, we are interested in assessing the effects of antibiotic agents in microbial communities, and the way in which these interactions lead to the emergence of resistance.

Other Applications of Network, Data, and Complexity Sciences:

Some other topics that I have been exploring lately include:

Guillermo de Anda-Jáuregui
Network Biology and Systems Pharmacology